Maintaining My Faith Despite My Reality

I wish more people talked about keeping the faith…

This morning I was watching a word from an amazing teacher of the Lord, Femi Lazarus, and I could not help but feel like the message was reading me. For starters, it talked about how the enemy sends arrows to puncture our faith. If you aren’t a spiritual person, then I understand if you are feeling confused. When I began my faith journey, I wasn’t spiritual either. However, I learned (all too painfully) that the spiritual realm exists - whether we want to believe in it or not.

I’ll give you an example that happened to me this week. I have been believing God for this specific thing for a long time. But I was talking to my friend recently, and they unwittingly said something so relevant to my situation. However, the essence of what they meant completely attacked and deflated my faith.

This is why I related to Apostle Femi’s message - he was explaining how the enemy sends arrows designed to puncture our faith. The enemy will use anything in our environment to sow seeds of doubt - he does not mind taking advantage of our rationality, and well-meaning lack of discernment [of God’s will] to destroy our faith.

So how do we combat this?

Declare God’s Promises

One of the most effective ways to combat pointed barbs is to immediately rebuke it. If someone tells you, you can’t do xyz - don’t agree. Stand up for yourself! Go back to what the Lord has told you and speak that over your life. This is not manifestation - this is about agreeing with what God has said and fortifying your mind with His promises. Declaring His word over your life will reorient your vision and bring you confidence that will help you overcome doubt.

Stay Prayed UP!

We have to keep a consistent prayer life so we can speak out strongly against the enemy’s lies. Why? Because how will we know what God has promised us if we don’t pray? How will we know how to navigate our seasons if we are not aligning with what God is saying in the moment?

This is Biblical. After Elijah had killed the prophets of Baal, Jezebel sent him a message saying, “may the gods do to me…if by this time tomorrow I do not make your life like the life of one of them.” Elijah went from calling down fire from heaven to running for his life. He ended up meeting and receiving instructions from God based on their conversation. Even though God talked to him first, if he hadn’t been willing to listen to Him, then he would never have been sent to anoint Jehu, the man responsible for Jezebel’s death.

If we don’t pray, then we are defenceless because we won’t notice God in our situation.

Submit Your Fears To Him

As we go to God in prayer, it is imperative that we submit what the enemy is telling us to Him. When we submit our fears to God, He can address them by giving us His Word, which is the truth. The Bible tells us His Word is “living and powerful… sharper than any two-edged sword.” His Words are the only effective counter to the enemy’s lies.


Life After Atheism: The Author Winning Children Back To Christ.


Defining Biblical Justice